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Wednesday 2 May 2012

This Will Be An Everlasting Love

Disappearances and Apologies

We meet again, few readers. I’m sorry. I abandoned this blog for a few months and never updated and I gave up on the YouTube thing and it’s been about a month since my last polyvore update – but I am honestly about to get back on track with that, I swear! Being out of routine on holidays just means I don’t think about it like I do when I have school and a regular routine, so I’m going to get back into posting something every week, starting this week or next week. I feel like I never come here anymore, and I’m sorry for that. I kind of miss it, if I’m honest. But in another way, I feel like I was almost finding myself to see the best way to share my ideas and sh*t with the Internet, and perhaps this blog wasn’t the right way. I’m not going to delete it or stop it, but it’s not like I haven’t thought about it. I think I shall, like now, come back on occasion. I don’t think, however, I’ll be posting outfits on here anymore. Designs probably, and here you’ll probably get the lowdown of anything I make, but I don’t think I have the time to be posting outfits here when it’s easier to do them in a vloggish ‘outfit of the day’ kind of way on YouTube, regardless how crappy it might be. But polyvore will eventually be back on track – I do really miss that and will most probably try and put up an outfit once I’ve done this.

Again, I’m sorry, almost more for myself. And beware, this may just become a regular boring diary-ish blog after this, and I do apologise (AGAIN) but please please please remember I loved this while it lasted and this blog wont be going anywhere anytime soon. And, if in 24 hours I reread this post and think I was an idiot for posting it, I’ll post a ‘don’t listen to my last post’, and you can forget about this somewhat depressing and reminiscent one.
