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Sunday, 15 January 2012


So I’ve been on polyvore a lot recently, because I got the Half Blood Prince audiobook for Christmas, so I am spending a lot of time listening to Stephen Fry and browsing the internet (which consists mostly of tumblr), and designing stuff on polyvore. Below is a polyvore badge and a badge showing my recent sets, so yeah :)

Sorry for the lack of updates; there’s going to be an official outfit on FashionAndFlames at least once a month (a kind of new year's resolution), because typing out a whole post on here is just too much effort. I’m sorry, but it’s true. I could play the whole “teenager and GCSE’s” card, which is partly the thing, although if I am being honest, I also really don’t feel like writing up a post half the time. And speaking of YouTube, thanks to bellabeautii, my newest subscriber! Every subscriber feels like a milestone to me at the minute, because it’s not like I’m immensely popular or anything! So thank you, and if I ever become a partner, I’ll make sure to give you a massive shoutout and a present or something :)

Anyways, I’ll shut up now.
