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Friday 9 December 2011

09/12/11 - Clothes Show '11

It’s been a while since I’ve updated here since FashionAndFlames started up, and I would probably have done this as a ‘haul’ video if I weren’t unwell. I went to the Clothes Show on Wednesday (with school – taking textiles has its advantages!) and I bought some awesome stuff, so I did some outfits, as always! (by the way, Dani, if you’re reading this don’t because it’ll ruin you’re Christmas/birthday present!)

Sunday 4 December 2011

Go check out my YouTube channel :D x

Hey guys!

So I haven’t updated in a while and there is a reason for that. After some consideration of the type of videos I want to post onto my YouTube channel linked to this blog, I deleted the old channel. I felt like the content I was putting on there had to be directly related to this, as the name of both this and the channel were the same, but I wanted to be able to do quick uploads without a post on here first. So, I got rid of the old, remaking a new fashion channel called FashionAndFlames. All the videos are still fashion related just aren’t necessarily related to content on here. The videos I put up are most likely to be outfits of the day (or OOTD for short), and it was only now I realised it is a much faster and easier way of sharing these outfits with you that I would otherwise post on here. This means that if you want to keep up to date with all my fashion stuff, my new channel will be the way to go because it’s so much easier to manage.

This does not, however, mean that this blog is going to become redundant – I will still use it – it is just so much easier to post more casual outfits I want to share in video format instead. Also, it is so nice to not have to spend an hour or two making a post with all my GCSE exams to prep for.

Basically, what I’m saying is keep checking up here every so often – there might be an update – but there will be more frequent videos on my YouTube channel and therefore there is not as much use for this blog anymore.

So go check out my channel and I hope you enjoy!


Monday 24 October 2011

24/10/11 - Jewellery :D

So I was sorting out my jewellery yesterday, and came across a lot of purple stuff and a necklace I hadn’t seen in ages, so I did an outfit for my purple stuff and a close up edit of what is now one of my favourite necklaces. Enjoy!




Purple Bangles:,






Farthing Necklace

This necklace was a present from a relative – I’m pretty sure it comes from my mum’s side of the family. I’ve had it for pretty much as long as I can remember (I don’t remember “getting it” per se, but I remember I haven’t had it all my life like some stuff). I never really wore it as a kid, but as I’ve grown older I’ve become more interested in 20th century stuff – it’s like my guilty pleasure – and this is just so me as it originally was a farthing or made to look like one.

Purple Heart Pendant Necklace

I think this necklace was from New Look or Peacocks, and I have one with a black heart too, which I wear more. It’s great for casual stuff and formal stuff, as it isn’t too in your face; it’s just simple and cute.

Purple & Grey Bracelets

I’m pretty sure these were a present, but I’m not totally sure. I don’t wear them that much, although I wear the greyish ones more as they go with my predominantly monochrome wardrobe.

Purple Bangles

I got these as a Christmas present a few years ago, and they’re really cute, though I hardly ever wear them.

Purple Bangle

I got this bangle I think in 2010, although my memory is a little hazy. It’s a cute colour and is good for adding accessories to stuff if you don’t want to go to glitzy etc. since it’s just a plain colour.

24/10/11 - School Uniformish :)

I planned to put this up a couple of days back but got distracted! So I had a dream about something (descriptive, I know, but I honestly cannot remember what it was about), and I was wearing this cool monochrome school uniform-feel outfit. I drew up what I could remember, and added on some accessories, shoes etc. I was contemplating colouring it in, but I figured it’s all black and white, so I might as well just shade it. I also did a video of me designing in (as per usual) so enjoy!


Sunday 16 October 2011

16/10/11 -- Saw Footloose ;)

Hello again! Yesterday my friend and I went to see the remake of Footloose at the cinema (which, by the way was really good, but that’s not what this post is all about), so I figured I’d post the outfit I wore. In case you hadn’t noticed, for me, any opportunity to get a bit more dressed up is one I’ll always take, I always have and I always will. Also, I was going with a friend who normally does the same, and is a lot taller than me, so I knew I would wear heels and figured I would go a bit more formal than usual. The majority of this outfit is made up of posts already on here, but I didn’t get pictures of the new additions, so unfortunately they wont be talked about.

Vest top:

Blazer (which, if you can’t tell, I absolutely LOVE):




Tuesday 11 October 2011

11/10/11 -- Ramones :3

Heya! Was bored yesterday, and seeing some retro band tees in Dark Muse gave me some inspiration, so I put together an outfit on polyvore…with a Ramones tank top. ;P



Wednesday 5 October 2011

05/10/11 -- Trashion

Aloha! So we were working on ‘trashion’ in our textiles theory lesson today, and our homework was to design some stuff, so I scanned in my designs because I think they’re really good! :)


Monday 26 September 2011

Glitter Ball Necklace

This necklace was most probably bought in Claire’s Accessories, or possibly New Look, about three years ago. It’s great to go with more casual things and add glitz or more formal outfits, too.

26/09/11 - New Blazer, New Outfits...

Another three outfits? What’s the occasion? Simple. My mum’s birthday is coming up, so either way you were going to get at least one post, but I went shopping on the weekend and immediately fell in love with a gorgeous blazer which I’ll wear for my mum’s birthday party. Because we’re going up to London to see Shrek the Musical in the day and then eating out in the evening, there are two outfits with some subtle changes to make it more formal. As well as this, I had a total brainwave today, and threw together another outfit incorporating the new blazer!!










Links (to things that are different about the outfit):




Other Outfit:







Glittery Ring

This ring is from Primark for £2.50. It’s great to add some glitz to a simple outfit or highlight bling on an already dressy outfit. The other colours I have are peach and black.

LBD (Flapper Dress)

This is one of my favourite dresses as I love anything and everything to do with the 20th century, and this looks exactly like the kind of thing you’d see flappers wear in the 20’s! as I remember, it was about £10 from a small shop called Top Class. I love it to pieces and would choose it over my other dresses if I could only keep one, but despite of this I don’t actually wear it that often.

Silver Circle Dangly Earrings

These dangly earrings are really cute to add some glitz to an outfit, and because they’re silver can go with pretty much anything. They are also quite plain, so don’t feel too dressy for everyday wear.

Beige Wedges

These wedges were bought in early 2011 for about £20-£30 from New Look, as the majority of my shoes are! I really love them and can go with practically anything, but they are quite high and the slightly strange shaped wedge can make them hard to walk in, so I don’t wear them that often.

Black Blazer

This blazer is from New Look in autumn 2011, and I simply adore it! For a few months before I found this, I’d been looking for a black or grey plain but cute blazer with no success, and when I saw this I almost flipped and simply had to buy it, especially as it was only about £20! Although it is actually a ‘work’ blazer, I’ve rolled up the sleeves to give it a younger, slightly more casual feel.

Black 'Twizzly' Earrings

These ‘twizzly’ earrings are simply gorgeous, and are great for the majority of my outfits as I normally wear a lot of monochrome stuff. They’re perfect for dressing up something casual to something more dressy in the change of a pair of earrings and putting your hair up to see them.

Black Skinny Jeans

I don’t wear these skinnies from Matalan that much now, with my new super skinnies which I find to be much more comfortable as a preferred alternative. Although, I do occasionally wear them if monochrome is a must for an outfit.

Black Beaded Necklace

I bought this necklace a few years back to go with an outfit for a friends party, never really intending to wear it again, but it has proven to be a loved accessory now as it goes with almost everything in my wardrobe.

Monday 19 September 2011

19/09/11 -- Party, Party, Party!

Hi guys, so a proper update (finally)! I had a hectic start to school and to top it off an extremely busy weekend of dinner out, an all day family party and a shopping birthday party! (All very fun, I assure you, buy kind of exhausting.) Anyways, I figured I would do an outfit for some gorgeous new stilettos I bought, but couldn’t decide between which outfit to post and don’t have enough time to post all the outfit details, so I’ve done three outfits for them (all in this post), and I am only including info about the shoes, so enjoy!!!


Patent Buckle Court Stilettos

These shoes were from New Look in Autumn 2011 for £22, and I love them! They are a gorgeous colour that goes with anything and look really formal if you dress them up properly, and could be worn for more casual things. Although I thought wouldn't do this, as I figured they wouldn't be very comfortable, I have been very pleasantly surprised at how comfortable these are, and I think, although they are probably my highest pair of heels, they are easily one of my really comfy pairs!

Tuesday 6 September 2011

06/09/11 -- This is Not an Apology.

So, summer is officially drawing to a close, and I have surprised myself by actually not buying that much this summer. A skirt, pair of shorts, a couple of pairs of shoes, and I have acquired more jewellery (my favourite being a claret and blue plaited leather band my friend got me from Turkey – you don’t how it feels to be a Hammers girl and not being able to show your fangirl-ness in a feminine way). This post is, maybe unfortunately for you, not a typical fashiony post, no promises of new designs or outfits, no links to videos (although I did vow to make a quick video with pictures and details of everything I have bought this year, these things never go ahead). I don’t want this to be an apology either, I remember telling myself when I started this that I was writing for the fun of it, not the dreaded deadlines. This is just a post about how school is coming, and, for once, this year I am totally ready. I don’t really want to go back – I mean it’s school for Pete’s sake – but I am definitely ready. The last few days have been so boring, and I just want to get back into a routine, into eating like a normal person, not like a fat pig who lives on chocolate and sweets while watching Shrek 1, 2 and 3 back to back, or re listening to Disney songs from my childhood. I’m looking forward to seeing what I can do with British high-street fashion this season as I think, no offence to anybody here, some of the colours are pretty rank. Not all of them, just some, so I think I will be raiding my wardrobe rather than restocking it, but there might be the occasional thing that I see and love, as always.

Summer has been amazing, and there have been so many great memories, and I apologize for boring you with a long rambling post, but hey, it’s the start of a new season and new school year. GCSE’s. It used to scare me but I am surprisingly cool with it.

And now a journal post from my jounal on deviantART, which sums up my feelings of back to school in a less fashiony way:
So, it’s only one week until we go back to school! The last week of summer is as busy as ever, and I’m losing my tan! Dx Nevertheless, back to school means I will (hopefully) lose some most probably gained weight since I have spent far too many lazy days (including today) sitting around in pajamas watching telly or StarKid productions, or spending far too long on The Sims, or singing Timelord Rock, along with chocolates and sweets which run out far too quickly for my liking. I’m growing impatient waiting for my Pottermore email, I WANT TO BE SORTED ALREADY!! And plus, Hogwarts is a nicer idea to go back to than The Holt ;D But all the same I will proudly walk into school singing ‘Back To Hogwarts’ at the top of my voice, all nine minutes and fifty five seconds, with all the dialogue thrown in as well :’) But I guess if Hogwarts isn’t available, I can always be transferred to Pigfarts, right?

And please, check out, it only released today and I am already falling in love with it.

Have a great new school year, TheBritishFashionista..x

Saturday 30 July 2011

30/07/11 -- Outfit For My New Denim Shorts

I’m back with a new outfit!! I’ve been shopping quite a few times since we broke up from school on Friday (WOOP WOOP! XD), and I finally found some new denim shorts, something I’ve been on the lookout for as the ones I had were too small. Needless to say, I thought up a great outfit, and I would have uploaded this yesterday, but my camera had a meltdown, and I seriously thought I’d broken it! Luckily it seems to be working now, but on with the post!






Hope you like it! And PS, There will probably be more recent updates since it's summer now, which means LOTS OF SHOPPING!!!


Cream and Black Rose High Heels

I got the shoes in New Look just before Christmas 2010 for about £20. Most definitely my favourite pair of heels – really pretty and you can dress them up or down, as well as mega comfy! The colour means they can go with pretty much anything, which is something I always love in a pair of shoes.

Brown Leather Belts

These leather belts came with a pair of shorts that I bought in summer 2011. I think these are quite cute and add simple detail to a pair of jeans or shorts etc., but it’s not too dramatic.

Dark Denim Shorts

I bought these shorts in New Look for £15. They’re super cute, comfy, an quite thin, so will be great to take on holidays! They came with two thin brown belts, but I don’t wear them with the shorts much because I normally wear longer tops so you cant see them.

White 'Body'

I bought this body in Internaçionale in 2009, I think. If my memory serves me right, it was around £10 - £20, and I really love it but don’t wear it that often because I don’t have that much to wear it with. Regardless of this, I wish I did wear it often because it is really comfortable and stylish, and can easily be transformed from something casual to something formal with the right accessories and clothes!

Wednesday 20 July 2011

20/07/11 -- 'The Station' Black Belt Top Design

I promised more stuff coming soon, and I will deliver! Here’s a brand new original design, with a video too!

This was inspired by dreams my friend keeps having, in which she (and sometimes I) are fighting in a futuristic zombie apocalypse in a gang known as ‘The Station’. She says we always wear epic clothes, and told me that in a recent one I wore belts as a top, leading to a mega burst of creative energy from me, resulting in me designing something (as always)!


Tuesday 19 July 2011

19/07/11 -- Taz from Starship :D (plus more stuff coming soonly!!)

HOLA!!!! So I haven’t posted in a while, and I’ve had a burst of inspiration after talking to a friend so will do a video of me designing a top that I thought would look supermegafoxyawesomehot! (get the StarKid reference? ;P) Not enough time to design it now, but will do over the weekend! In the meanwhile, I tried my hand at drawing a dog tag necklace like Taz’s from Starship(L)


Friday 8 July 2011

08/07/11 -- Hufflepuff Inspired Outfit

Regarding an earlier post about a Hufflepuff based outfit, here is the whole outfit, with links and all:

Yellow bangles:
Black Bangle:
Vest Top:

The video is here:


Yellow Bangles

I think these were from Claire’s Accessories, and at the time (they were bought s few years ago) there were other colours too, such as a bright orange set I also own. I don’t really wear them as much as I did when I first got them, but they’re nice to wear if I’m wearing the right colours.

Coloured Vest Tops

These vest tops are from Dorothy Perkins for a few pounds, but nothing that much. They do them in lots of colours, and are really comfy but pretty, so they’re great for days to chill or to dress up for something formal.